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Mission & Vision

The seed is the gateway through which the future possibility of the living tree emerges. The medium or environment surrounding the seed provides the resources needed for the embryo to flourish as a valuable adult of the future generation. The child has the most important work to accomplish: self – formation. The Montessori environment – built and intangible – is a catalyst for that formation


To encourage the social, emotional, and cognitive development of the child by providing a comprehensive Montessori education, cultivating independent thought and foundational skills as well as awareness of their environment; empathy for others, and social ease and confidence.

To establish within a child the intellectual, emotional, and physical rigor needed to become a self-directed learner, flexible thinker, creative problem solver, and support their ever-increasing curiosity about the world in which they live.

To help our students to grow up to be successful global citizens and nurture a sense of close knit community within the families we serve.

Yellow Acorn Montessori kids activity


We are a school that combines highly respected Montessori teaching methods with other proven education practices to develop 21st-century skills, the core elements of knowledge, and the richest learning experience possible for children ages 3 to 6. We seek value in education for sustainable development and a kind, inclusive society at preschool age. We believe that learning should prepare learners of all ages to find solutions for the challenges of today and the future. 

Yellow Acorn Montessori kids activity

To achieve our mission, we are guided by the following program objectives

Adhere to the eight characteristics of the authentic Montessori experience: confidence, self-discipline, intrinsic motivation, the ability to handle external authority, academic achievement, spiritual awareness, and responsible citizenship

Introduce the children to the joy of learning

Foster inner security and curiosity

Promote self-confidence

Develop initiative, concentration, and persistence

Encourage a positive attitude towards lifelong learning

Build a strong foundation for future growth

Sustain positive interaction, and compassion for others

Nurturing the nature in our curriculum 

Apply Now!

We are currently accepting applications for the 2024-25 academic year.

Please review the admissions section of our site and download the application below

when you are ready to apply.